EveryMatrix & Meet up .NET

The EveryMatrix love-for-tech campaign continues. The week before our European summer party, we invited a bunch of very nice .NET practitioners and enthusiasts to organise their monthly meet-up at EveryMatrix.

The organizers came prepared with a very interesting presentation about “Scaling with Microservices” by Stefan Prodan, CEO @ Veritech.io and we brought to the table our very own presentation about GMCore. Tim and Bogdan (street name “Burli’”) did a great job of impressing the audience (although the pizza and beers might have contributed as well).

We hope they enjoyed themselves and will get to organize together another meet-up by the end of November.

So, readers out there, maybe next time you want to sign up, and show up, for our start-up of meet-ups (What’s up)!  😀

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