EveryMatrix @ Angajatori de Top 2015

Up until now we have been the ninjas of the hiring IT companies.
But no more. This March we make ourselves known to the world by storming the Angajatori de Top job fair with our wit, charm and crazy fun spirit. And just in case that’s not enough… we have a lot of fun little prizes.
We look forward to meeting you. Clear your schedule on Friday or Saturday and let’s chat.
You may get the chance to talk to one of our brilliant Technical Directors, or with one of our legendary programmers.

See you there 😉

#EveryMatrix @ Angajatori de Top Bucharest, Stand 62, first floor, Sala Palatului.


We set up our stand on the 26th.

It was fun. For us, the ones taking pictures, not for our colleagues (side-note, we’ve never seen someone with such a godly amount of patience, those wall long stickers were no joke!).

3 hours of racleta-ing later, we had a stand.

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The key for us as a true B2B iGaming software provider is to help gaming operators implement bold ideas and unleash unlimited creativity.

Everything is possible.
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