


No way to mix blood donations and donations to the homeless in one title without sounding like a cheesy old movie, so we kept it simple 🙂

Besides the already expanding charity project for two children centers, we are investing in two new social responsibility campaigns.

So without further ado…


Blood donations


Did you know it’s actually healthy to get rid of some of that ol’ blood you’ve been hoarding around?

Well, we decided to spring clean our entire selfs and donate some to those who really really need it. No. Not vampires. Patients!

A new campaign will allow a mobile medical team come and collect right at our Bucharest office. We already have over 30 donors lined up, so… blooood!


Donations to the homeless

(To our colleagues)

We’ve filled two more boxes with clothes (thank you guys!!!), so next Wednesday we’ll go make a donation to the homeless.

If in the meantime you’re spring cleaning or you want to give a little from what you have: clothes, shoes, canned food, hygiene products.

Just bring them to the Black boxes next to the recreational area at the 5th floor, by next Wednesday.

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