Health AcadEMy

It’s just about time we told you about our ambitious and fun inside project. We work out, we run,
we dance and many other lively things to keep our body and mind sharp.

How? Well:

Gym & Aerobics:

  • In our own Gym at the Bucharest Office (it’s quite good-looking; and we get to see how awesome looking we has lots of mirrors)
  • Trainers – Catalin and Adriana.


  • Marathons have nothing on us!
  • Trainers: fast racers Claudiu and Adriana.


  • The new version (2.0) just started;
  • Trainers: latino Adriana and Dragos.


  • Boosting energy, alertness and productivity every week!

And various workshops.
We’ll give you just some hints for now: Yoga, First Aid, Nutrition, Ergonomics.
And we will come back with juicy details and many photos!

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