DevOps acadEMy

We have a brand new acadEMy this summer in Bucharest, on Developers Operations.

What is that? You might ask, if you’re not initiated.

DevOps is a combined discipline between “software DEVelopment” and “information technology OPerationS”. DevOps helps Developers and Operations people communicate and collaborate better while it also emphasizes
workflow automation in order to increase the speed of building, testing and deploying software. The DevOps guy is usually roughly 50% programmer, 50% sysadmin but depending on project or company these percentages can vary a lot.

We have top teachers:  Matt, our Group CTO, member of Board Management Alex, Senior DevOps (you’ve probably heard about him before, from all the tech events where he was present), TBD from Systeam.

Subscribing time is over, so fingers crossed for the chosen ones.

Work hard, study harder!

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